
Money Advice

We are living in difficult times. Do you need help to:

- Make the most of your money?

- Sort out debts?

If you do, why not call us for a chat to see if we can help. We offer free and confidential advice on all aspects of money management and are available Tuesdays and Thursdays to talk on the phone or to meet you in person.

Don't wait - call us or text with a message and phone number and one of our trained Money Mentor Volunteers will contact you as soon as they can.

Call: 07434 669103


Community Money Advice (CMA) is a national charity committed to supporting churches and community groups who have a passion to help people overcome their money problems. CMA provides all the resources, training and support needed to establish and maintain local, free, face to face money advice services.

CMA is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to give Debt Advice.